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cuijijun2年前 (2023-01-01)幽默笑话846


1、What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?


2、What person tried to make you smile most of the time?

【谜底:A photographer.】

3、What kind of man can raise things without lifting them?

【谜底:A farmer.】

4、I am small I can fly I like singing in the sky.What am I?

【谜底:a bird】

5、Teachers write on me with chalk I can,t talk.What am I?

【谜底:a blackboard】

6、The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?

【谜底:A hole.】

7、What never asks any questions but always gets answers?

【谜底:A doorbell】

8、Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?

【谜底:On his feet.】

9、What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?


10、Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?

【谜底:A priest.】

11、What do you call your father-in-law,s only child,s mother-in-law?


12、What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?

【谜底:The light.】

13、I live in the sea.I am the biggest animal in the sea.What am I?

【谜底:the whale】

14、What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?

【谜底:A mushroom.】

15、What is big and bright during the day and we can,t see it at night?

【谜底:the sun】

16、Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die.What am I?


17、Why does time fly?

【谜底:To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it.】

18、Which can move faster, heat or cold?

【谜底:Heat, because you can catch cold easily.】

19、Why do some old people never use glasses?

【谜底:They must prefer bottles to glasses.】

20、Why is writing called handwriting?

【谜底:If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it foot writing.】


1. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?

A map.

2. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness?

The temperature.

3. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

It never eats.

4. Why is writing called handwriting?

If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting.

5. If there were only thre girls in the world, what do you think they would do?

Two of them would get together ans talk about the other one.

6. How many great men have been born in London?

None. Only babies.

7. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?

When you have a hole in your pocket.

8. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?


9. The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?

A hole.

20. Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?

A priest.(牧师)


q: where does afternoon come before morning in the world ?

a: in the dictionary.

q: why don,t you take the bus home?

a: because my home is not that big.

q: why is the letter e so important?

a: because it,s the beginning of everything!

q: why are the letter g and letter s in "gloves" close to each other?

a: because there is love between them!

q: what letter is an animal?

a: it,s the letter b!

q: what letter is a question?

a: it,s the letter y.

q: how do you feel today?

a: with my hands, of course!

q: how can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?

a: take a longer rope and compare with it!

q: what can you tell from peter,s record card with extremely poor grades?

a: he didn,t cheat!

q: what does everybody do at the same time?

a: grow old!

q: what resembles half a pie?

a: the other half!





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